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April (2024)

Rap Das Armas

I cant sleep at night anymore. Im just laying there and waiting for the morning.
Never had those problems before. Its ennoying.

But there is a good thing with it tho, I went up at 8 o clock (Im free today) and I went to the gym. That is a gooood thing. Cause I was so tired and Im still that tired but I dont have time to sleep today, I have to study. Dont sleep, dont sleep...aaarrg...

We have started with our spa-therapist education now on school, I think that I can live with it for some weeks... but its not THAT funny really. And I got a placa to have my practical training on, its gonna be in Denmark, Snekkersten, and Im gonna live with Giddan. It will be GREAT!

Okey, now, : shower and then coffee, and then STUDY out in the SUN!
Believe it or not!
10 September 2009  | Länk | Livet | 0 kommentar
I know you want me

You know I want ya

One to three four , un doz, trez quattro..

Bra jävla låt.
English. Okey.
Is here anyone who reads my blog now? Really wanna know.
This was a fucking TIRED day, I have been tired the whole time since I woked up. Crazy.

Okey so soon my "vacation" at home is over again and Im going back to Orsa. But it feels okey there now, new friends, and there is gonna be some new classes next week that we gonna take care of so that prob would be fun.

I have a crazy life right now it feels like. It is like, sometimes it doesnt happen anything, and the other day EVERYTHING happens.. but all things happens for a reason, huh?

Yeah, I dont know really what I am talking about here but it kinda fun to write in english so then I have to ... just write something down.

Have a nice tuesday.
25 Augusti 2009  | Länk | Livet | 0 kommentar
Funny day


Im back at home and I had a great evening yesterday and a really funny day today.
Romantic dinner with my boyfriend yesterday (it was really great)
today I have been shopping and after that we went to a friend for doing a tattoo on my bf toes. It went well and then my brother filled in his to. After that by brother did his first tatoo on the REAL tattoo friend... aa hard to speak right english when youre tired.

Sleep tight.
Party tomorrow:)
21 Augusti 2009  | Länk | Livet | 0 kommentar
Life is still alive


It was along time ago since I were writing , but maybe you haven´t noticed.
I have to write in english now cause I wanna learn to talk better english, and then I can write in english. Its a good start.

Im back In Orsa after a long time at home. Have had my practical training for 9 weeks, and then a 6 week long summer vacation.The vacation was wonderful but the practical training werent really that nice.. So, Im not gonna talk about that boring thing.

I went back to Orsa around 2 weeks ago, and it was strange to get back but it went well. I changed to an own apartment, wich has done me to another person. I am now doing things all the time, spending time learning ny people, parties (important!!) , and so on and so on...
My life feels quite good at the moment really.
But right now Im on my way back to where I actually belong, skåne. I have been on the train for about 2 hours now so now its only 6 left ! :D
Amazing how the time run by...

Its hard to summerise the whole summer here now, so.. I will do a short list:

* Denmark. (shopping and some museum with dead bodys)
* Ullared (on the way to Gbg)
* Göteborg (Liseberg, and a one day festival called West Coast Riot)
* Ed (a little village , visited one of my closest friends, INA )
* Karlstad (visited a friend to my boyfriend)
* Hultsfredsfestival (7 days festival with bands like Winnerbäck, Slagsmålsklubben, Ice Cube and more more more.

Thats my summer in short words.

You will soon hear from me again.

20 Augusti 2009  | Länk | Livet | 0 kommentar
extremt kort uppdatering

Sist jag skrev va på julafton ja såg jag nyss
Det skiter jag fullständigt i.
Blogg var inget kul. För det hinns inte med.

Är iallafall inne på tredje månaden på det nya året redan. Snart snart snart har jag 4 månader väldigt nära hemma i skåne.

Har hunnit lära mig massera sen sist, börjat på anatomi, gjort första provet, hunnit med en rejäl influensa på nästan 2 veckor, hunnit få IG på första provet, och även slutat träna. Livet går verkligen uppåt!

Ha det bra!

/martlana, svettigare än någonsin.
6 Mars 2009  | Länk | Livet | 0 kommentar - 12.000 webbutiker! | - allt om ehandel
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